My interview experience was a bit hectic to start off with. Firstly, it was hard for Chantelle to come up with a topic for the interview. We finally came up with a topic and we had arranged that my sister (Gemma) and I would interview her about moving from a mixed sex school to an all girl’s school. Everything was fine, we had written our questions and we planned to do the interviews the following day. That is what we thought it would turn out to be but that was not the case. Gemma received an email from Chantelle saying that she was on Jury Duty and couldn’t make it into class at all this week. So my sister and I ended up interviewing each other. This made me angry because we had spent time writing up questions and had everything planned beforehand, then we had to start all over again.

I decided to interview Gemma on her road trip down to Rotorua. Interviewing Gemma was quite difficult because she only gave one sentence answers most of the time. I had to keep asking more questions to get information out of her. I was a bit worried that I wasn’t going to get enough information to write a story. She was quite reserved and did not want to give too much.

I liked the fact that she put some humor into her answers and made me laugh a little. I felt it reduced the pressure on me to get everything perfect. It was quite hard writing everything down as she was saying it because I wasn’t really processing what she was saying. I was more focused on writing down the answers. This could have been improved by recording the interview instead of writing down the answers. If I did that, I would have been able to go back and hear more of what she said.

For my first interview, I felt it went quite well because I did manage to write everything down and I managed to get information from her. In future, I am going to think more about my questions beforehand because I had to rush this one to get the interview done in time. I realized I missed a few important questions out when Francesca spoke to me. Overall, I enjoyed the experience of conducting an interview, even though there were a few hiccups along the way.

Amanda Provan