Well it wasn’t a real interview, it was only for an assignment but it felt a little bit real.

When our lecturer Francesca told us we had to do an interview for our first assignment I was looking forward to it. We had to get into pairs but since there was odd numbers, me and Amanda paired up with Chantelle into a three. The plan was for Chantelle to interview me and Amanda together as sisters about our move to NZ. And then me and Amanda would interview Chantelle about attending an all-girls school. Since Chantelle couldn’t decide on what she wanted me and Amanda to interview her on until about 10minutes before the class was finished, we decided to leave the interviews until we had a break on Monday.

Monday came and Chantelle couldn’t make it to class because she had got called for jury duty. So me and Amanda had to just interview each other, which was fine. We had no idea what to interview each other about, but Amanda thought she would like to know about my road trip to Rotorua I had last year with my friends. So Amanda did her interview with me.

It was an interesting experience to be interviewed and I thought Amanda had lots of good questions. The only thing was that because she is my sister it was a little hard to give her answers because she pretty much knew all about my trip already but she managed to get a lot of information out of me. And then it was my turn to interview I still didn’t have a topic so Francesca helped us out a bit and I wrote down some questions for Amanda about her love of heavy metal music. I asked her questions about how she feels when she listens to heavy metal music and how she fits in when she goes to the concerts.

Overall I did enjoy the interviewing experience but I don’t think I would be able to handle doing a real interview, so it was lucky that it was only for an assignment. If I had to do it for real then I would definitely be a lot more prepared than I was for our pretend interviews. And it was lucky my sister is in my class because everyone else was already paired up. Now to write the article…

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